Everest College – Vancouver, Washington

Are you searching for massage schools in WA? Do you want to obtain your massage certification from one of the best massage therapy training centers in available in the area where you live?

Then you need look no further! Since 1974, Everest College in Vancouver, Washington has offered the finest quality massage training available

They even offer a Clinical and Sports Massage Specialist program at the school campus located at 120 NE 136th Ave., Suite 220, Vancouver, WA 98684.

The field of health care is changing rapidly from the concept that a pill will fix everything to accepting that the body’s natural healing capabilities can resolve a plethora of medical problems with assistance from natural healing techniques such as body work therapy treatments. Massage provides proper lubrication for the muscle tissues and allows the body’s circulation to flow properly.

Because of the increase in patients demanding natural healing services, the need for licensed, qualified health care therapists has skyrocketed and this trend is expected to continue into the future. By obtaining the hands-on learning available at Ashmead College, you can be part of this growing field that helps client’s bodies heal themselves.

Either the Sports Massage Specialist Program, Spa Massage Specialist, or the Professional Massage Therapy Program offer you a place in this growing industry, where the need for trained professionals is growing everyday.

It is easy to learn more about the professional training offered at this fine massage college. You can receive the information you need to educate yourself about their program and courses bycontacting the school and scheduling a tour. This way you can visit the campus and your first hand experience will help you assess if this is the right school for you.

Click to learn more > Everest Vancouver Massage Education



Massage Practitioner Training Tips

Use of Cotton Blankets: Always have plenty of soft, snuggly cotton blankets available for draping clients should your client feel chilled as they relax and enjoy their bodywork session. The feel of soft cotton against the human skin is relaxing and does not feel scratchy as some synthetics may, and organic cotton blankets are a real treat.

Almost no one has an allergic reaction to cotton fabric. Choose white cotton which can be washed with an organic whitener or Oxi Clean rather than a chlorine bleach (some people are sensitive to chlorine) to maintain the brightness. Use small quantities of unscented anti-bacterial detergent so that clients with allergies will not have reactions to the soaping agent used for laundering. Be sure that cotton blankets are rinsed well to remove all the sanitizing agents.

It is very nice to have a blanket warmer to keep one or two blankets ready for any client that feels especially chilled during or after their massage therapy session. Towel warmers work great for this.

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