Escaping the Illusion’s Web: The Entire Solar System is Shifting – Part Four of Five
Your entire solar system has recently entered one of these concentrated fields of consciousness and will remain within its influence for the next several years. This is challenging all life forms, the environment, and human concepts and beliefs on your planet to the limit. What you are about to learn is by no means secret. Each of these facts can be corroborated with minimal effort on the Internet. However, your leaders resist sharing the analyses by the various think tanks that have been examining the data. When you discover what your governments are being told, you will understand why.
What links the following facts together is a simple Law of Creation: Whenever any form of consciousness interacts with any other form of consciousness, both are irrevocable changed. This law – a practical extension of the Law of One – speaks of the vast entanglement that takes place within the cosmic hologram. It is the essential meaning of that passage in your scriptures: God knows if even a sparrow falls to the ground. Nothing happens anywhere in Creation that does not ripple throughout the whole of it.
In gross terms, this means that every person you have ever met has to some extent become a part of you, and you of them. You are the product of every relationship, as well as every sunset and symphony, nightmare, and horror movie, you’ve experienced. But entanglement’s effect on you is even more far-reaching, for you are also the product of every event in history and bear the energetic imprint of every person that ever lived on the face of the Earth – just as the essence of a large pot of stew reflects the minerals of the soil in which the carrots grew as well as the imperceptible change brought about by the addition of a single granule of salt. The more subtle effects of entanglement give rise to the teachings of astrology in which the relative positions of the unique energetic bodies you refer to as planets influence you. In fact, because of the Oneness of Creation, nothing can take place anywhere within its infinite scope that does not impinge, in some small or large way, upon you. This is particularly true with respect to those concentrated energies you are now moving through.
Consider this partial list of what has been happening in your solar system in the past few years: there has been a visible growth of “dark spots” on Pluto; Saturn has developed auroras; both Uranus and Neptune have undergone polar shifts, accompanied, in the case of Uranus, by an abrupt and significant increase in the intensity of the magnetosphere; Neptune is displaying a shift of light intensity as well as new dark spot activity; the magnetic field intensity of Jupiter has doubled, and extensive auroral activity and a visible change in the energy field between Jupiter and one of its 62 moons, Io, can now be observed; Mars is undergoing an atmospheric transformation as indicated by a cloudy growth along its equator and an increase in ozone concentration; and there is a notable chemical change on Venus, marked by a sharp decrease in the sulfur-containing gases in its atmosphere and an unexpected inversion of its dark and light spots. Your scientists have recently observed extraordinary lightshows emanating from Venus, Jupiter’s north polar region, and Io, the most volcanically active space body in the solar system. Meanwhile, the Earth’s own moon has manifested a growing natrium (sodium) atmosphere that reaches 9,000 km in height.
Possibly the most dramatic changes are taking place on the sun – the source of biological life on your planet but also the main transducer of the in-streaming spiraling energies that emanate from your galaxy’s central sun. Your sun’s magnetic field is more than 230 percent stronger now than it was at the beginning of the last century. It is unleashing a display of sunspots, coronal mass ejections, and other activities unprecedented in recorded history.
The sun emits an extraordinary spiraling, egg-shaped energy band called the heliosphere. This is made up of solar winds, or coronal energy bursts, that stream away from the sun’s surface in all directions at approximately one million miles per hour. The front of this energy bubble extends well beyond the orbit of the outermost planet in your solar system to meet all oncoming regions of space head-on. Not surprisingly, there is a measurable plasmic glow emanating from the leading edge of the bubble. When first measured by your scientists less than forty years ago, the depth of the glow was three to four astronomical units (an astronomical unit is 149,597,870.691 km, the average distance between the Earth and the sun). It is now estimated somewhere between sixty-five to seventy astronomical units – an increase of more than 1,500 percent.
Now let’s focus on the changes taking place on Earth. The concentration of cosmic consciousness that the solar system is currently passing through is the greatest encountered since humans first populated your planet. The effects of these energies first became visible as you entered this field of consciousness in the middle of the last century. Take the Antarctic magnetic pole as an example. Since the slight drifting of the pole was first noticed in 1885, it has migrated almost 900 kilometers into the Indian Ocean – that’s an average of 9 km per year. The Arctic magnetic pole is also drifting at an ever-accelerating pace. Just before the turn of the millennium, the rate of shift was approximately 15 km per year; it will soon increase its drift toward Eastern Siberia to a rate of 200 km per year – an increase of 1,300 percent. Your world governments are completely aware of these happenings. For instance, the various aeronautical agencies, such as the FAA, have required several airports to update the numbering of their runways (which represent magnetic compass readings to the nearest ten degrees) to keep up with the significant shift of the magnetic poles.
This accelerating magnetic migration will soon manifest as a dramatic pole shift, similar to those on Uranus and Neptune. There has also been a gradual increase in the average size of your planet’s polar cusp angles (slots or openings in the northern and southern magnetospheres near the poles), making the Earth increasingly vulnerable to solar winds and in-streaming galactic energies. As a result, you will be experiencing a warming in the Earth’s crust and oceans, and a corresponding melting of the polar icecaps.
There will be significant climate changes, but not for the reasons you might think. The widely publicized greenhouse effect is among the smaller contributors to global warming. In fact, the constant increase of carbon dioxide has leveled off, and the methane content in your atmosphere has actually begun to decrease. However, now the Earth’s temperature regime is becoming increasingly vulnerable to external influences. The effect may be similar to the relatively rapid period of temperature instability that took place 10,000 years ago, recently discovered by your scientists when they analyzed ice-core drilling samples from Greenland.
Your aeronomists (scientist who study the upper atmospheres of planets) are rightfully concerned about the sudden proliferation of HO2, the hydroperoxyl or perhydroxyl radical in your atmosphere. This has a direct effect on the distribution of your planet’s ozone layer and signals a period of rapidly growing concentration imbalances. The corresponding divergences in the temperature gradients at various levels of the atmosphere can directly affect the movement of air masses, causing major irregularities in moisture circulation patterns. In simple terms, your weather patterns will become increasingly anomalous and severe.
We have described only a fraction of the physical shifts taking place in your sector of the galaxy. There is much more. Yet the passage of your solar system through the concentrated band of cosmic consciousness is not serendipitous. As Einstein so rightly pointed out, God does not play dice with the universe. What is happening is preplanned and exactly on schedule. It could not be otherwise.
Every expression of consciousness within the heliosphere, from the sun itself to the planetary bodies and the beings that live on or within them, is being invited to participate in an immanent “jump” in evolution. For all forms of consciousness except one, this process is preprogrammed and automatic. Humans are the only form that has been given the choice of whether to move into the next paradigm – sometimes called the rapture or the golden age of peace – or remain mired in the illusion of duality and separation. Unfortunately, the decision whether to shift or not is not one you can make intellectually. There are lessons to be mastered and new areas of awareness to be explored. You need to learn how to make your DNA receptive to the new energies.
Your geneticists have recently begun to unravel a small part of the role DNA plays in human evolution. However, their inquiry has been limited to less than 5 percent of the total DNA structure. The remaining portions appear to be meaningless, random segments, dismissed with the somewhat derogatory term “junk DNA.” Suppositions about the function of these enigmatic bits range from dubbing them trash heaps of defunct genes, or pseudogenes, cast aside and fragmented during evolution, to proposing they are no more than the accumulated debris of failed viruses.
These speculations suggest that the unspeakably vast and purposeful intelligence with which Creation unfolds has made an uncharacteristic error. We hardly think so. In fact, this extra pool of DNA provides a reservoir of sequences from which new genes can emerge that can propel you into your next evolutionary advancement. However, most humans are choosing to render their DNA inaccessible to the in-streaming energies, and so they will completely miss the opportunity being offered.
Here’s why so many of you are unwittingly making this decision: The same in-streaming energies that trigger massive weather changes and tectonic plate disturbances on your planet also impact each human being residing on its surface. As they reverberate through the imprints within your chakras (the energy centers that house the imprints of your beliefs and preincarnational programming), they create interference patterns that manifest as spontaneous thoughts and emotions. As the cosmic energies grow more intense, so do the human responses. They ignite antisocial activities such as terrorism, crime, and other expressions of extreme dogma. They also prompt the reactions to those activities: resentment, fear, anger, and – the most corrosive emotion of all – righteous indignation. All of these responses come at an enormous price, as any highly imbalanced emotion causes your DNA to constrict, shorten, and ultimately turn off. Notice that we deliberately chose the word “any.” This is because, from the perspective of balance, extreme joy is just as far off center as extreme anger. Everything in Creation ultimately seeks equilibrium. When you experience a spike of any emotion in the manifest moment, its unexpressed shadow counterpart is always lurking in the wings. By acknowledging the presence of the opposite emotion, you balance yourself again, like a teeter-totter returning to horizontal.
Jean-Claude Koven is a Rancho Mirage, CA based writer and speaker. He is the author of Going Deeper: How to Make Sense of Your Life When Your Life Makes No Sense, the Allbooks Reviews editor’s choice for the best metaphysical book of 2004. For more information, please visit: