Sister Rosalind Schools & Clinics of Massage – Fargo, North Dakota
Are you searching for one of the massage therapist schools in North Dakota that includes the mind as well as the body into their teachings? If so, you’ll want to learn about Sister Rosalind Schools & Clinics of Massage’s Fargo campus. Founded in 1983, the ND campus is located at 3101 Thirty-ninth Street Southwest. Here you will find classes that meet some of the highest standards in the nation. You can choose from three accredited programs: professional massage therapy, chair massage and foot reflexology or incorporate all three into your training.
Because massage therapists jobs are in such demand today, you’ll find employment in one of many great workplaces such as spas, private clinics, five-star hotels and even aboard cruise ships. Employment opportunities in this natural healthcare field are growing at a rapid rate. In fact, an increase of as much of 35% is expected in the next five years.
This massage training in North Dakota incorporates Christian principles into the psychological and physiological aspects of bodywork. By treating the entire body as well as the spiritual person, you’ll find purpose in life and a pleasure that is absent from many career fields.
This massage therapist school in North Dakota is one of the few that offers scholarships. To learn how to qualify for this opportunity and to get the full details about the programs available, you only need to contact Sister Rosalind Schools & Clinics of Massage in Fargo, North Dakota.