Berdan Institute – Totowa, New Jersey
If you are seeking a great massage therapy school, New Jersey offers the Berdan Institute in Totowa, New Jersey. This NJ massage therapy school provides the training you need to begin a most benificial and exciting career.
At this NJ massage school, trained instructors provide practical, hands-on learning to keep you on the fast-track to your new career. Small, compact classes mean that one-on-one instruction will hone your skills, perfecting you abilities to ensure you success in the growing field of massage therapy.
The little town of Totowa is a great place to earn your massage certification. Located just 25 miles from New York City, and 12 miles from Newark, Totowa is actually a suburb of Wayne, NJ. You can enjoy learning in a small town atmosphere within reach of the big city.
To begin your path to a great career that will be truly satisfying and while providing health benefits to your clients, be sure and take a tour of the campus and a school representative will supply you will all the details about their massage program. It is easy to receive the necessary information to learn more about this wonderful school.