Fun & Informative: Spa Reflexology Training DVD with Karen Zaharatos
“Education with a sense of humor, making it fun to learn” is the perspective taken by Karen Zaharatos, a licensed massage therapist and certified reflexologist with over 20 years experience.
Zaharatos’ personalized alternative therapy includes her definitive approach to medical relaxation using the healing touch of massage.
Her educational DVD, Spa Reflexology (Burnit Studios) features not only Zaharatos’ years of experience, but offers viewers exposure to her often humorous and always fun teaching methods.
Educator and Therapist Karen Zaharatos
Karen Zaharatos is the owner of Reflexology Online Institute, through which she uses her knowledge gained from her background in education—she has a masters degree in education with a focus on instructional technology—combined with her natural healing experiences as a massage therapist to bring to students a unique learning opportunity.
Zaharatos seems to promote education for students in media such as with at-home or online delivery. Her approach includes an upbeat and engaging experience with the intention of developing the most effective learning experience possible.
Her reflexology background is extensive, including studying with esteemed reflexologist master Ann Gillanders. Zaharatos has been a certified reflexologist for over 30 years, and developed her own unique theory of orthopedic reflexology. Orthopedic reflexology examines the arcs of the feet as references for reflexes, with specific reference to the mystic esoteric reflexes of the ancient Egyptians.
Unique Reflexology Training DVD
Full with Zaharatos’ unique teaching style and sense of humor, viewers are treated to a fresh learning experience with her training video, Spa Reflexology. The DVD was produced during Zaharatos’ training of the entire Sage River Spa Staff at the Sun River Resort in Bend, Oregon. Throughout the video, students are taught using an upbeat but informative manner by Zaharatos herself.
Spa Reflexology is a DVD that will allow reflexology students and others in the spa industry or alternative healing field learn how to incorporate the healing touch of reflexology into their spa services or healing techniques. Reflexology is the essential relaxation therapy, and offers many benefits to the client, including holistic pain management, physical and emotional rejuvenation, increased circulation, and improved physiological functioning. A spa reflexology treatment soothes and comforts the entire body, and offers the client blissful spiritual and emotional therapeutic healing.
Zaharatos’ extensive background in natural healing and her work with great alternative therapists has refined her knowledge in the areas of reflexology, massage, and education. She has performed over 14,000 reflexology treatments throughout her career, making her a sought-after instructor in this holistic field.
To discover this unique training video, click > Spa Reflexology with Karen Zaharatos
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Debra Venable aka D V Shears Day Spa Salon
Hi Debra! You are so welcome. Anytime we add new reviews on Reflexology educational products we will let you know since you are on our reflexology mailing list. Our goal is to find the very best resources for you.
Thanks a lot for providing this type of valuable information.
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