Louisville School of Massage & Daymar College – Louisville, Kentucky
If you are trying to decide which of the Kentucky massage schools to attend, be sure to learn more about East Louisville School of Massage.
The massage classes are held at 3309 Collins Lane, Louisville East Collins Ln., KY 40245-1629.
This medical massage therapy course in Kentucky is based on the concepts that people are physical, mental and spiritual creatures and the therapies you provide should address each of these aspects. It is well known that there is a close connection between the mind and body, but providing therapies to the entire human being is ingrained in the teaching at LSM.
While attending this Kentucky massage therapy school, you can learn through classroom teaching and supervised education exactly how to apply pressure and manipulate tissues to provide relief from pain, lowered blood pressure, improved circulation, rapid healing from accident, injury and surgery and many other health benefits you can offer clients after graduation.
The experiened instructors at Louisville School of Massage can provide individual attention to each student as required to assist them in developing their skills and confidence if they choose. You can learn how to interact with clients, draping techniques, assessment and development of treatment plans, progress assessment and records maintenance as well as all the skills required to operate your own clinic if you also choose to do so.
Bodywork therapy uses techniques that are among the oldest healthcare in existence. Over the centuries, many cultures including China, India, Egypt and others offer alternative approaches to health and wellness. You can learn how to become qualified to work as a therapist if you choose to learn these age-old techniques and bodywork therapies.
Daymar College Medical Massage Therapy Program
To learn more, click > Daymar College, Medical Massage Therapy Program in Louisville
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