Commanding Wealth: The One Command by Asara Lovejoy

Altering your consciousness is what Commanding Wealth: The One Command by Asara Lovejoy, released by Wisdom House Books, is all about.

Most specifically, it addresses the learned skill of allowing your brain to enter the theta wave state to help you join with the Oneness of the universe and realize your dreams through positive energy and thoughts.

The human brain generates various types of brain waves when in operation. These brain states are named for Greek letters of the alphabet such as Alpha, Beta…and Theta. Theta brain waves generate naturally when a person enters that dream-like state that exists just before entering natural sleep.

One can teach themselves to enter this altered state of consciousness at will and, with some practice, pretty much achieve this state within seconds at any time desired. While in this peaceful, relaxing state of consciousness, a person can access their Source Mind, which is basically a universal consciousness, and use portions of the brain not normally in daily use.

Lovejoy explains about the theta brain wave state and the use of the Source Mind as a means of accessing wealth and making dreams come true. She shares success stories, which are really case studies, about people who have successfully used The One Command technique to develop wealth and better their lives in many ways.

Asara LovejoyReaching the slow brain wave generation of theta state and accessing the Source Mind, as well as using the One Command to attract wealth and solutions to gaining wealth, is explained step-by-step in an easy to read and understand text. The process is described so clearly that most people should be able to reach the proper brain state with a bit of practice.

Of course, no one wants to have to read an entire 238 page book in order to repeatedly access the theta brain wave state discussed in The One Command. Once you understand the process fully and desire only a bit of assistance moving from step to step, the appendix has a concise summary of the six-step process which is detailed in the main section of the book.

There is a list of just the steps for those who have reached the level and they only need a bit of reference to remind them the next step to perform. For those who need a little more than simple list of steps, each of the six steps in the process are explained briefly in a short paragraph for really easy reference.

Now don’t get the idea that Asara Lovejoy in Commanding Wealth: The One Command expects us to believe that we simply slow our brain waves and think about wealth and it just magically arrives. Instead, she advocates the use of The One Command six-step process as a means of generating positive energy to help us identify the solutions to our problems and create the will to take positive action toward achieving goals.

With so many world problems, economic problems, job loss, mortgage foreclosures, and other dilemmas faced by people every day, Lovejoy provides, in The One Command, the encouragement that a person can have dreams and reach those dreams by thinking and acting positively. Most of us find it so easy to tell ourselves that we can’t do something or can’t solve a problem, that I feel Lovejoy has created a very important work that should be read and practiced by everyone seeking a better life and renewed energy. Even if you’re not in a position where you need to attract money, you can use the same principles and same six simple steps to resolve other issues which crop up in life.

The One Command Book By Asara LovejoyAsara Lovejoy’s Commanding Wealth: The One Command is a great read for anyone interested in altered states of consciousness, anyone seeking to improve their life and happiness, anyone wishing to attract wealth, and anyone who seeks deeper satisfaction in their life.

I thoroughly enjoyed Lovejoy’s work and found following the simple exercises from the in-depth explanation of each of the six steps easy and very helpful to practice. Don’t miss this book which could easily change your life in many positive ways.

To learn more, click > Commanding Wealth: The One Command

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4 Responses

  1. Carolyn O. says:

    I have ordered and listened to the One Command several times and began to practice, but I heard one of your audios that told a lady to only do it once on anything you command on. I did it once on my most pressing issue and felt I needed to do it again the next day. I am confused. Do I repeat the same command each day until it happens. I loved it but felt I needed to reiterate. Please clear this up for me.

  2. Hi – Asara here and it is such a pleasure to see you embrace The One Command.  The answer to making a command only once is this: this is not an affirmation -when you command while in your theta brain wave you are physically delinking your neuro processors in the old limited thought about what you want to manifest – and simultaneously you are allowing what you KNOW in your greater consciousness – the answer to what you are seeking – to arrive.  This is a physical event in your brain, body and emotions.  It only take the one moment to make this change.

    Now the next event will be your inner resistance to making this change – those older subconscious programs want to do their job – so we teach you to MEET YOURSELF in the next moment with the contradictory thought and proceed to make the next command.

    For Example: I don’t know how i increase my income $10,000 now.  I only know that I do and I am fulfilled.  You have now written a ten thousand dollar program in your unconscious behavior and DNA blueprint.
    However the ego might say – your crackers – that is impossible. Meet yourself there and make the next command.  I don’t know how this is real and I create my financial increase now.  I only know that I do now and I am fulfilled.  Then MEET yourself with the next negative thought again.

    For example: All right fellow and how do you expect to make that kind of money.  Command I don’t know how (because it is literally true that your limited beta mind doesn’t know the answer – but your greater intelligence that is you does, and that is who you are getting into a relationship with) I make that kind of money. I only know that I do now and I am fulfilled.

    Now you are really operating in another frequency – belief system – one that does know they can increase their income – even without the particulars yet.  As you go along notice the synchronicity, notice the opportunities and notice when it arrives!

    Many blessings with The One Command and visit our web site – our Free Membership with lots of support is coming soon.

  3. mrgnomeblog says:

    It’s really interesting that children have a higher degree of Theta waves even when they are awake, it seems that after the 13th year that activation goes away. This would mean that children have a higher state of consciousness. It sure feels and seems that way sometimes.

  4. STC Technologies says:

    Now don’t get the idea that Asara Lovejoy in Commanding Wealth, that One Command expects us to believe that we simply slow our brain waves and think about wealth and it just magically arrives. Instead, she advocates the use of The One Command six-step process as a means of generating positive energy to help us identify the solutions to our problems and create the will to take positive action toward achieving goals.

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