Self Meditation for Daily Life: Perfection
As a spiritual being, you are inherently perfect, whole and complete. So why not incorporate this wisdom into a self meditation for daily living. We often think something is wrong with us. Truth is, nothing is wrong with you. In the Divine Plan everything you are and do is exactly right. Does this seem rather far-fetched? It isn’t, really. If we were to assume the viewpoint that there is a Divine Plan for your life, and that all you needed to do was to be yourself in order to fulfill it, then who and what you are is Divinely Right.
Regardless of the condition of your body, you as a soul or spirit are perfect. Spirit is unchanging. If Spirit was right once, then It is always right. You are made in the image and likeness of that always right Spirit, this is what you as a spiritual being are.
This doesn’t leave much room for shame, guilt or regret. You may have been ignorant or uninformed at the time that these conditions arose, but it doesn’t negate the fact that you are still perfect. In my opinion, our unknowingness of the Divine Plan and our part in it brings up these negative emotions. There is something that can be done about it however, and this can bring a great deal of relief to the soul.
Acceptance that we are included in the Divine Plan whether we are consciously aware of it or not can alleviate much of the emotional pain that we carry around. Staying clear with ourselves that we are part of this, encourages us to stay in alignment with the purity of our inner selves. It is this inner purity or authenticity which can ensure that we stay on track with the Plan for our lives. Not to emulate some saint somewhere, but to be as realistically ourselves as we can manage.
From a high level perspective, one may argue that it doesn’t matter what we do, that the Divine Plan unfolds no matter what. This may be true, but can you live with yourself in the meantime? To bring about peace of mind, I’ve found that it is much easier to promote a sense of being the reality of Self consciously. This helps us to “tune in” to right action for us, that is, what encourages us to live our lives more fully.
Allow yourself to accept that you really are part of the Plan, always have been and always will be. You are perfect, just the way you are. As you meditate daily on the concept of perfection in all things, you may find your daily life meditation opens up new levels of acceptance.