Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don’t, by Michael Losier

You get what you concentrate on and it’s no different with abundance and prosperity.

It’s a phrase that is well worn but Michael Losier has a wonderfully loose way of dealing with concentrating on the right things in “Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don’t Want”.

Many texts on attracting abundance are incredibly tight, directive and almost authoritarian. Losier’s work is conversational, like a chat with a trusted friend.

The Law of Attraction Magnet

The lessons in the book are very straightforward.

Left to it’s own devices the Law of Attraction pulls in people and events that it thinks you want because of the way you allow yourself to be. If you think negatively and deliberately expose yourself to unpleasantness then more of that will come your way.

However, if you could just structure your thinking; if you could just drive out the negativity in some way, maybe it would all change. And it does!

What’s Your Desire Statement?



Losier provides some very simple but effective worksheets. You don’t have to spend hours filling them all in. I think it took me around 45 minutes. During the process I could literally feel obstructions being lifted because of my prosperity affirmations.

These were obstructions I had imagined were preventing me from progressing on new projects that I had started. Every time I sat down to work on them, I would be diverted into some seemingly important activity that turned out to be trivial. Now all I do is check my “Desire Statement” and I can’t prevent myself from working hard on the right things.

New book by Michael Loiser The Law of Attraction“Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don’t Want” is such an easy read and Michael Losier’s style encourages you to give it a go and uplift your spirit. What have you got to lose?

To learn more visit Amazon: Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don’t Want

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1 Response

  1. Seth Garrison says:

    Hi Debra

    We all need to bring these concepts down to simple terms like Michael does. So many new-agers love to use the warm fuzzy words.

    We all use the law of attraction in daily life it’s just that some recognize it and some don’t. It boils down to an deep inner belief that this concept works.

    Michael does a great job in explaining it to a wider audience.

    Thank you for adding another voice to the spreading of people like Michael’s work.


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