Walking Through Walls: A Memoir by Philip Smith

Walking Through Walls is a colorful, unique insight into the life of psychic healer, Lew Smith from his own son’s intimate perspective.

In sixteen chapters and 332 pages (hardback) Philip Smith recounts his life growing up in dynamic, ever changing Miami with his father, interior decorator to the Miami elite by day; psychic, intuitive healer by night.

Philip Smith, a former managing editor of GQ and an artist, managed to assimilate the uniqueness of growing up in his family with his true self and become a success today. He recounts this sometimes sad, yet always fascinating tale of growing up in a family that was by no means considered the “norm.”

Discover the Miami of the 1960’s

Smith describes life in Miami in the 1960’s with vivid detail from the first page. The reader is captivated and drawn into this one of kind world and feels like a fly on the wall of Philip and Lew Smith’s extraordinary lives.

Smith brilliantly describes both of his parents as rare, eccentric, and seemingly ahead of their time.

60's Newspaper Story on Lew SmithFrom being kidnapped to work on the palace in Haiti to healing the old lady down the street (free of charge of course) Lew Smith’s life is flamboyant, unconventional and mystifying.

Lew was written up in the Miami news several times, reporting on the diversity of his lifestyle, from interior decorator to spiritual healer.

Life with a Psychic Healer Revealed

The reader is led on a journey to discover psychic healing abilities from the view point of someone (Philip Smith) who had countless real life experiences with it on a daily basis. For those new to psychic healing you may begin to question the traditional means of healing of the Western world. Readers who know a bit about psychic healing and conversing with spirit guides will discover numerous real life accounts of this mystical, effective form of healing further cementing your beliefs.

Keeping in mind that this book is a memoir of actual events helps the reader to open his or her eyes to the psychic healing phenomenon which surpasses this from being just another metaphysical book.

Although the reader is able to see what a rare opportunity growing up in this family was, he can’t help but sympathize with Smith who longed for a normal family while growing up.

Wishing he had a simple, average father who did household chores and drank beer, in Walking Through Walls, Smith himself is on a journey of self discovery. Battling his love for his father and his deep inner desire to have a “normal” family, Smith tangles with numerous ways to escape his sometimes insane life including sex, drugs, and other self medicating behaviors.

Pendulums and Groceries: Life with Lew Smith was Anything but Ordinary

The reader is taken on journeys through everyday life with a mystical healer Lew Smith, from using his pendulum at the grocery store to detect which oranges contained the most Vitamin C, to healing people who even the doctors had given up all hope on. Lew Smith is an incomparable example of following one’s own intuitive intelligence despite what the “norm” may suggest or even compel us to do. From marital strain to condemning friends and doctors, Lew Smith remained true to his own unique calling and spiritual destiny to heal others with his gift despite the challenges it caused him personally – right to the end.

pic-walking-through-walls-bookcoverPhilip Smith created a remarkable true story of strength, compassion, and following one’s own path no matter what the cost. Walking Through Walls: A Memoir is a great work that allows others the uncommon chance to gain an intimate view inside the world of a true psychic healer. This book pays a great tribute to Lew Smith and the remarkable gift he so willingly shared with those around him in need.

This memoir inspires the reader to look beyond the everyday and ordinary and explore the possibilities of the world. If you believe only in the logical and scientific this book will open your eyes and challenge your mind.

Philip Smith shows that he has grown fully and now completely understands and appreciates the life he had with his father. This is a touching, interesting, and colorful story that comes full circle in self discovery and true appreciation of those brave enough to walk their own path in life. Lew Smith was truly a man ahead of his time, willing to do what others could not or would not do.

To learn more about the book, visit Amazon > Walking Through Walls: A Memoir by Philip Smith

Watch a short video clip of Philip Smith discussing life with his father, energy healing, and his personal journey with art.


To learn more about the book, visit Amazon > Walking Through Walls: A Memoir by Philip Smith

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